So now it has been a month i last made a post here, i fifnished the last of "pain-ass learning", and now have some time to make music again, i wil have to wait for the result of the tests i made the last week, and hope them notes are good, actually great...
But some news, i have picked up the music making again, and i am ready to create new songs, because it has been a long time i uploaded a song (Damn mental blocks), it has been half a year, damnit, too f***ing long, i will try my best to get a song done
instpiration comes in many forms, some try golf, others try weed, some sex, or some even do sex and weed at the same time. so stop reading this, grab the nearist golf club,joint,or hooker and make some grate ass music!
Haha, Thanks for your support!!!