So now my remix has been made: n/461650
Now i will start on my Christmas song, and like i said i will focus more on school then
BUT, that doesn't mean i will stop making music, I'll just make less songs than before
More information coming...
When I see all your song scores, I was like:
"Was it all zero-bombed by opponents?"
"Did the song suck?"
"Or was it for some other reason?"
Well, there SHOULD be one solution to this low-score stuff.
Oh, forgot, if you want, go check out my latest two songs "[NLC] The Great Sea" and [NLC] Ganondorf Battle (WW)" both are Video Game songs. :P
The first two I ever submitted suckes because I didn't know quality.
Why are my scoes of my song low, you say?
well, the first 4 (except my very first one, it was created in an other music program) just suck, one has a little improvement (atomic), and the songs after those are Zerobombed by opponents ( I Think).
I will check your stuff :)
Thanks for the comment